
Vi - 2006-01-05 14:52:42
I hate lice!! I got them when I was 19. I had very thick hair back then and I wound up having to chop a lot of it out so I could successfully comb the nits out. Your poor friend! :o( I sing to my cat all the time. He loves my voice even though everyone else says I cant carry a tune.
toast - 2006-01-05 22:13:16
i had lice back in the like, eighth grade. My hair is thick and curly and was long, so my parents just pretty much shaved my head... i looked so butch for such a long time, but i never got it again....
Bill - 2006-01-05 23:27:50
Tom Jones? I am not sure why that makes me like you more - but it does.
Halcyon - 2006-01-06 13:06:46
You know my lice story? Hahaha...

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